Privacy Policy
  1. DMEDIA SIA has taken all the necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal data of users of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE (hereinafter referred to as the Users) and to prevent their unreasonable access to third parties.
  2. When visiting and using the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE, DMEDIA SIA may receive information that contains the User's personal data :
2.1 . directly (first name, last name, phone number, e-mail address, delivery address);
2.2. indirectly (using the IP address, cookies and other technical means to monitor the use of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE ):
2.2.1. Cookies are small text files that inform how often the User visits the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE and what exactly he does during his sessions. In addition, cookies help to adapt the functionality of D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE to user habits . Cookies do not contain personally identifiable information, however, if the User himself provided this information, then it can be combined with the data contained in the cookies . DMEDIA SIA can place cookies in the Users browser.
2.2.2. An IP address is a group of numbers that is automatically assigned to a computer each time the User enters the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE - this IP address can be used to automatically identify the User's computer . DMEDIA SIA: may collect IP addresses for system administration and audit of online store ; does not add the User's IP address to his personal identification information, which means that each User session is logged , but the User himself remains anonymous; may use the IP address to identify the User in case it is necessary to ensure that the User's behavior complies with the terms of use of theD-MEDIA ONLINE STORE online store or to protect theD-MEDIA ONLINE STORE . or its Users .
2.2.3.DMEDIA SIA also collects other data that is not related to a specific person (data on gender, age, language, location) and which is collected only for statistical purposes.
  1. By purchasing goods and services offered in theD-MEDIA ONLINE STORE, the User agrees and authorizes DMEDIA SIA to register, enter, save, systematize, use and in any other way process the User’s personal data , as well as data that the User will later transfer DMEDIA SIA to the extent necessary for the following purposes:
3.1. data processing results from orders, contractual obligations of the User or data processing is necessary for the conclusion of a respective contract (transaction);
3.2. the data is necessary to identify and record Users ;
3.3. the data is necessary for sending commercial notifications (e-mail and/or SMS);
3.4. the data is necessary to ensure the fulfillment of other obligations in accordance with the relevant concluded agreements (transactions);
3.5. the data is necessary to consider the User's application for the purchase of goods by installments.
  1. DMEDIA SIA processes and protects the personal data of Users in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data and other regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia that regulate the processing and protection of personal data. For the storage and processing of personal data of Users , DMEDIA SIA uses organizational and technical means to protect personal data from accidental or illegal disclosure , changes and any other illegal processing.
  2. Access to information entrusted by Users is only available to specially authorized employees of DMEDIA SIA. DMEDIA SIA ensures non-disclosure of Users' personal data to third parties insofar as it is provided for in the law on the protection of personal data and in other regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia that regulate the processing and protection of personal data, except for:
5.1. dissemination of personal data by the partner DMEDIA SIA , which ensures the delivery and financing of goods purchased in the online store , as well as the provision of services to the extent that personal data is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations;
5.2. cases when the disclosure of data is necessary in order to identify, ascertain or take legal action against a person who may cause any harm to another person or DMEDIA SIA , endangering his rights, property or action, as well as exposing this or similar the risk of other Users of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE and/or other persons;
5.3. cases where it is necessary to do so, taking into account the requirements of regulatory enactments or in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities.
  1. DMEDIA SIA takes all possible protection measures, however, it cannot fully guarantee that data will not be lost, misused or altered.
  2. The user has the right to demand that his personal data be supplemented or corrected, as well as to stop processing or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, false or no longer necessary for the purpose of collecting personal data. Also, at any time , the User can delete his data from the list of the target audience group if he no longer wants to receive information about the product, events or news. In connection with the above, the User himself can change or delete the entered data in his user profile or inform DMEDIA SIA by e-mail address. mail:
  3. By submitting a reasoned application in writing, the User has the right to receive the following information:
8.1. what information was obtained about the User , the source of the data, when the information contained in the data was changed (if this is allowed by the relevant regulatory enactments);
8.2. for what purposes personal data was processed, information about the recipients of personal data;
8.3 . information about whether the data has been processed automatically.
  1. Users' personal data will be stored no longer than it is established in the relevant regulations.
  2. By entrusting his personal data and/or other personal information, the User certifies that he is bound by the terms of the privacy policy of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE and acknowledges that DMEDIA SIA has the right to use this information to the extent and in those cases , which are defined in the privacy policy of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE.
  3. The conditions of the D-MEDIA ONLINE STORE privacy policy can be renewed at any time, therefore Users are encouraged to read them regularly.
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